Veterans’ Coffee and Conversation

American Legion Post 88 115 E. Morgan Street, Brevard NC

That's right, the Veterans History Museum of the Carolinas wants you to come on Tuesday, November 7 at 10:00 am to enjoy Veterans' Coffee and Conversation, meet other veterans, and […]

Veterans’ Coffee and Conversation

American Legion Post 88 115 E. Morgan Street, Brevard NC

That's right, the Veterans History Museum of the Carolinas invites you to the Veterans' Coffee and Conversation, meet other veterans, and share stories about your military experiences. You'll feel comfortable […]

Veterans’ Coffee and Conversation

American Legion Post 88 115 E. Morgan Street, Brevard NC

The Veterans History Museum of the Carolinas invites you to the Veterans' Coffee and Conversation, meet other veterans, and share stories about your military experiences. You'll feel comfortable and enjoy […]

Veterans’ Coffee and Conversation

American Legion Post 88 115 E. Morgan Street, Brevard NC

The Veterans History Museum of the Carolinas invites you to the Veterans' Coffee and Conversation, meet other veterans, and share stories about your military experiences. You'll feel comfortable and enjoy […]

Veterans’ Coffee and Conversation

American Legion Post 88 115 E. Morgan Street, Brevard NC

The Veterans History Museum of the Carolinas invites you to the Veterans' Coffee and Conversation, meet other veterans, and share stories about your military experiences. You'll feel comfortable and enjoy […]