Latest Past Events

Veterans Coffee & Conversation

Veterans of Foreign Wars 50 Veterans Circle, Brevard

Leader: Phil Mayrand
 Tel: 941-275-5430 email: Everyone who has ever served in the US Military is welcome to attend the meeting, the first Tuesday of every month. The meeting is an opportunity for all to speak about their military experiences, make friendships, and support one another. 
Brevard’s VFW Post, 50 Veterans Circle (off US 64 […]

James M. Scott – speaks about his new book Black Snow

Transylvania County Library 212 South Gaston Street, Brevard

Drawing on first-person interviews with American pilots and bombardiers and Japanese survivors, as well air force archives and oral histories, Scott has produced a gripping narrative account of the devastating firebombing campaign. A Pulitzer Prize finalist for his previous book, Target Tokyo: Jimmy Doolittle and the Raid that Avenged Pearl Harbor, Scott spoke previously in […]

Veterans Coffee & Conversation

Veterans of Foreign Wars 50 Veterans Circle, Brevard

Leader: Phil Mayrand Tel: 941-275-5430 email: Everyone who has ever served in the US Military is welcome to attend the meeting, the first Tuesday of every month. The meeting is an opportunity for all to speak about their military experiences, make friendships, and support one another. 
Brevard’s VFW Post, 50 Veterans Circle (off US 64 […]