by Commander | Mar 21, 2024 | Articles
Every Year on March 1 is designated Joe Cooper Day in Brevard WWII and Korean War veteran Joe Cooper holds up his key to the City of Brevard, celebrating the 2nd Annual Joe Cooper Day in Brevard. Mayor Maureen Copelof (right) presented the key as Cooper’s niece,...
by Commander | Oct 27, 2023 | News
November 10th. A time for Celebration The U.S. Marine Corps invites you to help celebrate its 248th birthday on Friday, November 10th, 2023. This is a very important day for all Marines who have served from across the world to gather, to celebrate, and toast our...
by Commander | Sep 18, 2023 | News
Egolf Motors host Antique Car Show Egolf Motors in Brevard kicked off the Saturday of Labor Day weekend with their first-ever Cruise-In, a fun-raiser for the car enthusiasts and the community, and a fund-raiser for the Veterans History Museum of the Carolinas. The...
by Commander | Aug 14, 2023 | Artifacts
WWI trench art a form of art created by soldiers during WWI WWI trench art refers to a form of art created by soldiers during World War I, particularly those who served in the trenches on the Western Front. Trenches were the complex networks of fortifications and...
by Commander | May 21, 2023 | News
Deploying to the Middle East After learning that the Brevard National Guard Reserves Unit 3rd Platoon, 812th AG Company is deploying to the Middle East for one year, the Veterans History Museum and Anchor Baptist Church teamed up to show their appreciation by throwing...