The Story of Soldier’s Pride
Award-winning quilter, quilting teacher, and author Karen L. Dever, a resident of Mt. Holly, N.J., will be in Brevard to present her program, “The Story of Soldier’s Pride” on Tuesday, June 14 from 11am to noon. Sponsored by the Veterans History Museum of the Carolinas, her free program will be held at the Transylvania County Election Center at 150 South Gaston Street in Brevard.
“Soldier’s Pride” is Dever’s name for the patriotic handmade quilt she has generously donated as a fund-raiser raffle for the museum. Raffle tickets ($5.00 each or 5 for $20.00) and copies of her book ($20) are for sale at the museum. You may purchase your book and bring it to the program for Dever’s autograph, or go with her to the museum immediately after the program to get your book. The drawing for the winner of the quilt raffle will be August 6. No need to be present to win.

Author Karen L. Dever
About Karen Devers
From Devers’ book: “Karen Devers, an award-winning quilter, has been involved with quilting for over 20 years and is a teacher, designer, and an AQS Certified quilt appraiser. She has had several designs published in McCall’s, For the Love of Quilting, and Quilter’s Newsletter. A member of many guilds, professional quilt groups, and quilt study groups, she lectures to guilds on changes in our quilting styles through the years and the importance of appraisals.”
Interview with Karen Devers
Question: Karen, tell me a bit about your childhood, and how you learned about quilting.
“My Mother was a seamstress (in her spare time, while raising four children) and she taught me to sew, as did my grandmother. I made a lot of my own clothes growing up.”
Question: Would you share some highlights of your quilting or teaching experiences over the years?
“Prior to quilting, I did needlepoint and counted cross stitch, some of which included quilt designs in the motifs. I attended my first quilt show in Lancaster, PA and was so inspired! I never made clothes again!”
Question: How has quilting contributed to American history and culture?
“The quilts that caught my eye were the vintage/antique ones. This inspired me to study quilt history and women’s role in American History.”
Question: What are some of your inspirations for your designs?
“In the beginning of my quilting career, I began to collect vintage and antique quilts which later inspired the quilt designs I created.”

Question: How have you seen quilting designs, construction, and trends change?
“Through the years since the great quilt revival of 1976 (U.S. Bicentennial), an increase in tools became available to ease quilt construction. The quality and variety of quilting cottons has ignited a multi-million dollar industry, along with computerized sewing machines and design programs.”
Question: Please tell us about this quilt, “Soldier’s Pride.”
“It is a sampler quilt inspired by the collection of WWII quilts owned by Sue Reich, a fellow quilt appraiser. It features quilt blocks from those antique quilts as well as their history.”
Question: How did you happen to write the book Soldier’s Pride & More, and what will we find in the book?
“You will find photos of friends and family member veterans (both men & women) from WWII to the 2000’s. In addition are directions for making the blocks in this quilt as well as instructions for making other quilts using these sampler blocks (sampler means all the blocks in one quilt are different).”
Question: Why are you dedicated to honoring veterans?
“Because my father served in WWII and my husband served in Vietnam. It is because of their involvement, experiences, and service to our country.”
The Veterans History Museum of the Carolinas is open Tuesday – Saturday from 11am to 3pm, where you may purchase raffle tickets and Devers’ book (while they last). For more information, please call 828-884-2141.